In 2001, GM changed the transmission cooler line connections mid model year. The connection fittings switched from a flared tube and nut style to a metric quick connect fitting. To identify which model you have, examine the connection port. The first design holds the internal cooler in place with a thin stamped steel nut and the second later design is a solid aluminum nut and larger metric thread with no stamped steel nut.
Because there are two possible radiators for the 2001 Corvette with automatic transmission, it is possible to purchase the wrong radiator, and the transmission lines will not match. If your Corvette has an early first flare design (32-1139097) and you purchased a later second metric design (32-1139101) radiator, DeWitts has fitting 32-876F to adapt the later metric radiator port to the early flared fitting.
There is no direct conversion fitting for the first early design (flare) to a later second design (metric) radiator. In this case you must return and exchange the radiator.
If your radiator came with aluminum quick disconnect fittings installed in the radiator, simply remove them and thread your later metric line fitting into the same port.